Food in the Anthropocene: why do cardiologists need to know about vegetable gardens?

César D. Berenstein, Grupo de Expertos en Polución del Aire y Cambio Climático de la Federación Mundial del Corazón; Consejo Asesor de la Fundación Interamericana del Corazón; Consejo de Cardioecología y Hábitos Saludables de la Sociedad Argentina de Cardiología; Fundación Cardiológica Argentina. Argentina

In the Anthropocene, lack of access to food, inadequate nutrition, and the degradation of the ecosystem by food production processes are a global problem. The objective was to review the benefits of food production by the agroecological approach and the consumption of organic foods in order to provide a theoretical framework for a project that stimulates the family production of vegetable food in a healthy and sustainable way. A non-systematized review was carried out by searching PubMed and SciELO with material published since 2015. It was complemented with information from international and national institutions related to agriculture and health. A family vegetable food production project (ProFAV) was developed. The production and consumption of food by an agroecological and organic approach could favor both health and care for the environment. A project is generated that includes local promotion measures and proposes health policies that encourages agroecological production. In conclusion, ProFAV could be a tool that fosters access to healthy food in a sustainable and accessible way for the most vulnerable population. Further research may strengthen the beneficial effects of this practice.

Keywords: Sustainable agriculture. Disease prevention. Healthy diet.